Fatherhood Beckoning


I vividly recall the first time my wife told me she is pregnant. It must have been in the evening. We had just come back from work and she was feeling a little bit off. We bought a pregnancy kit; you know, just to rule out that she is pregnant. Well, she took the test without me and informed me the next day that she is pregnant. I could not believe it. The doubting Thomas in me demanded to see the kit but she had already thrown it away. I just had to take her at her word. I did but the skeptic in me demanded to see proof.

This proof was provided later when we went for an ultra-sound. The sonographer ushered us in. He perceived we were first time parents and took the liberty to manage our expectations; it is too early know the sex of the child, it is crucial that we take measures to ensure viability if the foetus beyond the first trimester, my wife should eat well-no junk food, plenty of water (I avoided mentioning am a nutritionist) plenty of rest and of course, tone down on activities in between the sheets. I took this latter advice very seriously. I was ready to forego my conjugal rights for even a year as long as the baby is fine. However, I get ahead of myself. Let us go back to the ultra-sound.

My Sunshine was gently told to lie down on the high bed just beside the ultra-sound machine. A jelly was smeared on her lower belly and spread side to side with a mouse-like device connected to machine. The sonographer took us step by step as to what he would do next. He was quite reassuring. This was quite helpful especially since my dear had freaked out during an injection for blood works. She was still rattled and the sonographer must have perceived this as well. Anyway, I digress but you can tell I was really impressed by the professionalism exhibited by the guy.

It was still too early for the baby to have clearly distinct features. We did the scan at three weeks. We were able to see the placenta and a few other things that I do not vividly recall. Nonetheless, one thing remained with me-the heartbeat. My eyes moistened at the sight of that little beating heart-150 beats-per-minute it was. I believed.

Now most of you know am a man of words and pictures. I love creating stories through both avenues. Moreover, I have a distinct disinterest in photographing humans. This is because there is no randomness to the art compared to photographing wildlife. However, this one time I was enthralled by the image of the little one. At home, I kept leaving whatever task I was doing just to glance at the scanned images. It brought back that sweet memory when I first heard that heartbeat and it also drifted me into the future. What sort of girl would she grow up to be? Yes, it’s a girl, a fast growing girl.

By our last scan she is already 2.7kgs, and by all indices at 35 weeks even though by gestational age she is about 34 weeks. It is a great feeling this fatherhood. I have seen the joy children bring to their parents. Apart from going home to the arms of the one you love, it is immensely satisfying when there are children chattering about. It reminds you why you toil so hard and gives meaning to the whole 8-5 shenanigan. Furthermore, it is endearing to know that you have been tasked with that great responsibility to bring up a godly generation, one that knows Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and is untainted with the passing pleasures of this world. It is truly endearing and terribly horrifying.

My wife and I could worry ourselves to death over this little one. However, we have grown to be certain that the Lord gives life and protects. We have committed ourselves to raise a girl who knows what she is about; brave, intelligent, loves the great outdoors, loves people and above all fears God. It is a huge task, one which will take the hands of many to make it a success, including you, dear reader.

That’s all for now, watch this space!



6 thoughts on “Fatherhood Beckoning

  1. Great piece of work. Baba Cheprotich. Behold the joy it brings to hold a new born baby. Shish is giving birth to a world changing lady. I must admit, Jil is one lucky chap, surrounded by Cheprotich,huh.i look forward to the baby Shower and the day you will call me “it’s a baby girl”. I thank my God through Jesus Christ who is the giver and owner of life. You are blessed my brother.


  2. I also vividly remember that day you said I do. Evans and Lucy Toro you are a blessing to many who are watching you.

    Congs bro and may Gods favour follow you


  3. I am enthrilled if there is word like that and at the same time blessed an happy for you bro. This is truly a blessed responsibility that God has given men. It is an honour to be a father.


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